Saturday, 6 October 2012

Book Reviews: Zombie Housewives of the Apocalypse (2012) by Sharon Day & Julie Ferguson

Zombie Housewives of the Apocalypse (2012) by Sharon Day and Julie Ferguson is a quirky, tongue-in-cheek look at the daily lives of two zombified 1950's housewives, the reserved Stella and her wild sister-in-law Liz. Featuring tips on being a good zombie housewife, raising zombie children, popular zombie recipes (with alternative ingredients included for human readers), as well as section on human misconceptions about zombies and more!

The concept of the book is brilliant! Zombie-perspective books / films are always a little hit and miss with me, but this one worked as it pretty much just adapted the stories of two human housewives and transferred their personalities and world views onto zombies. Thus, the flesh-eating nature of zombies is dealt with accordingly and Stella and Liz frequently refer to humans being like cattle (though they seem to be addressing humans in the book, which is somewhat strange if they view them only as food).

Zombie Housewives... is generously peppered with pictures, many of which feature the authors as these two shamblers. The quality of some of the images isn't great and some of the graphics are heavily pixelated. However, that could be an intentional design feature. After all, zombies - especially 1950's zombies - aren't known for their computer skills!

Although the book is seemingly short (96 pages - the last 30 of which are lists of zombie-related media and products), I don't think it could have been any longer. By the end, the novelty of Stella being a zombie that liked to keep a perfect (shell of a) house and Liz being a zombie that started to grow a little tired and repetitive already.

Having said that, it was an enjoyable read with a unique core idea. It didn't drag on for too long, didn't take itself too seriously and was a fun spin on the zombie genre.

There will be a Zombie Housewives of the Apocalypse book giveaway on HSL later this month, so rise from your graves again and come back soon, zombies!

Posted as part of the Month Before Halloween event:

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