Monday, 28 May 2012

Books: Devil Bat Diary by Peter H. Brothers

“DEVIL BAT DIARY - The Journal of Johnny Layton” by Peter H. Brothers 
Inspired by the famous 1940 film, “Devil Bat”, 'The Devil Bat Diary - The Journal of Johnny Layton' tells the “true” story of what really happened to the unhappy citizens of Heathville, Illinois, during that terrible prewar summer, as recorded in the long-suppressed journals of Chicago City Register’s principal newspaper correspondent, Jonathan “Johnny” Layton. 

The Devil Bats were furiously furry fiends created by a scientific genius who believes himself wrongfully relegated to concocting perfumes and colognes which he despises for wages not worth mentioning. So, as a means to an embittered end, he manufactures an evil ointment with a scent that so infuriates his giant bats to such an extent they feel compelled to tear the throats out of their unsuspecting victims. 
“Devil Bat Diary” tells for the first time the full inside story of what took place in ways not possible to show to Production Code audiences back then; did you know for example that Chief Wilkins loved Layton, or that Mary was a religious lunatic, or that Layton and his partner “One-Shot” McGuire couldn’t stand the sight of each other? 
Written to coincide with the 70th Anniversary of the film’s release and dedicated to the great Bela Lugosi, “Devil Bat Diary” is an unforgettably entertaining venture into a world filled with chirping Chiropterans, malicious murders, sacred sex and revolting revelations.  
Three-time Rondo Classic Horror Award nominee Peter H. Brothers is also the author of “Mushroom Clouds and Mushroom Men – The Fantastic Cinema of Ishiro Honda.” and is currently also working on another work - 'Terror in Tinseltown'. For more information you can visit his website below or buy the book on Amazon.


  1. Cool! Thanks for sharing this...hadn't heard of it.

    1. No problem! Hope you enjoy it if you read :)
