Monday, 26 September 2011

Events: Amsterdam Zombie Walk & Halloween Party

Ah, zombie walks! Making humans into beautiful rotting creeps since who knows when. Their popularity seems to have grown along with the love for all things walking dead recently, but this zombie walk is different's in the Netherlands! Honestly, that's the important difference here, because I'm writing about it for Johnny Madrid/Tim E. who lamented that nothing like this ever happens in the Netherlands. Well, here you go! (You know, because the Netherlands only consists of Amsterdam, obviously. Heh.)

The Walking Dead Zombie Walk & Amsterdam Halloween Premiere Party

On Saturday, October 29th, 2011, a horde of infected undead will spew into Amsterdam to take part in The Walking Dead Halloween Party and Zombie Walk. These zombie-only events are being organised by Amsterdam Halloween and FOX International as promotion for the zombie series 'The Walking Dead', season 2 of which premieres in the Netherlands in October 2011. 

The walk, which is free to participate in, leaves from Metrostation Rokin (NZ-lijn) at 8:30pm, meaning you need to arrive at 7:30pm. After the walk, there will also be the Amsterdam Halloween Party/Walking Dead Launch Party at WesterUnie from 10:00pm - 07:00am. Tickets for the party cost €27,50 each.

For more information on both events, you can check the sites below:

Event found via Dutch Daily News

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