Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Art & Toys: Plaseebo / Bob Conge - Contemporary Figurative Modifications 6 Man Group Show

Bob Conge of Plaseebo will once again be exhibiting his monster creations and customisations at the TAG in Hollywood, California. The six man group show will also include work from the other talented modifiers Brent Nolasco, Jim Koch, Leecifer, Taskone and NervisWr3k, and runs from April 2nd - April 30th.

You can see photos of some of the work Plaseebo will exhibit on the Plaseebo website, or after the cut below!↓ Thank you to Bob Conge for letting us use the photos♪

Sta-puf Marsh­malow Night Gamer


Elec­tro Daigomi

Elec­tro Daigomi / LED unit

Sta-puf Marsh­malow Night Gamer / LED unit in head

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